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Technical Workstations
Education Systems
Real-life experience 
for future careers

Elabo stands out for the comprehensive know-how it has acquired from practice. The products in our Trainingsystems program clearly reflect the experience that we have gathered in the education sphere. In addition, we are perfectly familiar with the areas in which the students wish to develop: the know-how taught with our support in training sessions is the same we daily use in projects we conduct above all for industry. To be competitively successful in this area, one must be at the forefront of progress. That's what our customers appreciate. They place great value on their students being given the latest knowledge to prepare them for their future careers. With our Elabo Testsystems, for example, we are proving our worth in industry where we are developing product-testing installations for production-integrated quality assurance processes.

318 Automatisierungstechnik   Automation technology
Automation technology has a decisive influence on productivity, not only in the production process but also in the area of quality assurance using test systems. Automation defines recurring sequences exactly as programmable processes. It organizes the perfect interaction of electronic and mechanical components.

318 Steuerungstechnik   Control technology
It forms the central intelligence that receives the signals, reaches conclusions and issues orders to the drivers, sensors and conveyor systems. Memory-programmable controls are also particularly important in the training sector. In the case of Elabo Testsystems used in large-scale production, the control technology regulates among other things the handling of test objects and automated contacting - two very complicated procedures occurring in high-speed processes.

318 Mess-und Prüftechnik   Measuring and test technology
Measuring and test technology plays a role throughout the entire training process. Data need to be recorded in order to evaluate functions and to derive adequate adjustments. Most Elabo Testsystems are used for safety and function testing. Other Elabo installations automatically monitor the placing of operating instructions, measure joint dimensions or test the brightness of displays.

318 Antriebstechnik   Drive technology
DC and AC motors, servo motors and stepper motors as well as other drive technologies are used to transfer objects. Whether or not simple control units are sufficient or whether complex drive management is needed depends also on just how precisely the objects have to be positioned. In the case of test systems, extreme accuracy is often a decisive factor for the integration of robots, for example.

318 Sicherheitstechnik   Safety technology
The emergency shut-off switch is a symbol of safety engineering. It protects people and machinery and is also very important in the training environment. Elabo employs safety-engineering techniques of varying complexity, ranging from simple switches with relays via opto-electronic protective devices to fail-safe bus systems.