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In Germany.

Elabo has comprehensive production competence. We produce even the most complex, fully-automated test equipment ourselves. Over many years, we have gathered both valuable knowledge for example in electronics and mechanics and practical experience in a large variety of settings, all of which are key factors for quality service. We also have the necessary equipment. This way, production is directly linked to development and construction via CAD / CIM.

The extent to which we produce components ourselves depends on the available quality. Elabo conceives the system as a whole and manufactures those individual parts that external specialists cannot produce in comparable quality. Quality is determined according to the following criteria:

  • functionality and quality of product,
  • flexibility in terms of adjustment to special individual client solutions,
  • profitability of solutions and processes, and
  • speed and reliability of delivery dates.

If a potential supplier can prove outstanding quality, we integrate him as long-term partner. This enables Elabo to combine the methods of the most modern industrial production with highly individualised solutions according to our clients’ demands.

Produktion 1 kl   Complex Components
Many of our test units are sophisticated custom-made installations. Adaptation and contacting technologies as well as test frames pose a particular challenge: our clients often require the greatest possible mechanical precision and highly complex software solutions.

Produktion 2 kl   Software Engineering
Elabo also produces the software it has conceived and developed. After being programmed and installed on the systems, it is subjected to comprehensive functionality tests.

produktion 3 kl   Product Tests
Elabo produces high-quality electronics devices. They are subjected to comprehensive functionality and endurance tests (e.g. 8 hours in the climate chamber at temperatures between 45º and 50º C/113 º F and 122 º F).

produktion 4 kl   Quality Assurance and Partners
Elabo suppliers and their products are subject to a thorough quality assurance system. Elabo tests all electronics components with regard to their precision. Adjustments are made if necessary, thus ensuring that our clients will always receive precision systems according to established standards.

produktion 5 kl   Installation at Client
The final production step is the installation and commissioning of the system. It often takes place directly at the client’s location. This is a critical stage in our quality management.
Meet Elabo